By Falguni Bhoir / 04 Jan 2023
There are many benefits to weightlifting for women, but "bulking up" is not one of them.
The idea that lifting weights makes women bulky is one fitness myth that simply won't go away. No more! Even while lifting heavy weights, women won't "bulk up" The word "bulky" is frequently used pejoratively to characterize people who have enormous muscles or well-defined physiques, usually women.
As weightlifting gained popularity and made its way into popular culture, many women developed the idea that if they even touched a 10-pound dumbbell, they would turn into Arnold Schwarzenegger or Chris Bumstead.
To appeal to the ladies who wanted to work out but not become "buff" marketing geniuses picked up on the trend and developed the terms "lean muscle-mass" and "tone-up".
Because women won't bulk up if they start lifting weights, it has so many positive health effects, and it's patently unfair to believe that women shouldn't look muscular anyhow, we need to banish all of these phrases from the fitness industry.
Here are four arguments against the belief that weightlifting makes women hefty, as well as several arguments in favor of including weightlifting with the help of the best strength training fitness equipment in every woman's workout your exercise regimen right now.
Gaining muscle is incredibly challenging.
For women who are worried about gaining too much muscle, this is fantastic news. However, it is bad news for others. Building muscle is a gradual, labor-intensive process that takes years of devotion, perseverance, and work.
The majority of people don't invest enough time or effort to develop the physiques they're afraid of. There is a reason that professional bodybuilders are a select few: It takes years to build up the kind of muscle that bodybuilders have. They sweat harder than most people do.
Many women do not eat enough to gain muscle mass.
You must consume supplementary calories than you expend to gain muscle. Don't expect muscle growth if you're eating inside a calorie deficit or even at maintenance because nothing can generate new tissue. A lot of women don't consume enough protein or calories to support significant muscular gain.
For reference, a healthy woman should consume between 1,800 and 2,400 calories daily. If you exercise, you should ideally fall inside that range's upper limit, and possibly even more if you're tall or active. Don't be concerned about gaining weight unless you are eating more than your maintenance calorie amount each day.
Women lack the necessary testosterone to gain weight.
In general, testosterone production in women is lower than in men. You should know that since testosterone production has a significant impact on your ability to gain muscle, you won't become “Wolverine” overnight.
Naturally, there are always exceptions: Some women have higher testosterone levels than others, but even these women are unlikely to have enough testosterone to develop large muscles.
Many ladies don't lift enough weight or frequently enough to bulk up.
Muscles don't expand in response to routine tasks. Their muscles require a challenge, if you aren't regularly progressively overloading your lifts, then they won't be stimulated growth. If there is no demand, they have no drive to get larger.
You should stick to two main guidelines when working out if you want to gain greater muscle mass:
- Lift within the proper rep range (8 - 15 reps per set)
- Lift in proper form for maximum muscle mass expansion.
Furthermore, those two methods are only effective for so long; as you gain strength, you'll eventually need to incorporate additional methods like drop sets, super sets, pyramid sets, and reps till failure to provide your brain stronger signals for muscular growth.
Another essential element in growing muscle is frequency. According to studies, a muscle grows more quickly when it is worked out more frequently. But there are limits to this ideation, just like there are to volume. The more contraction frequency effect on muscle growth, the stronger and more fit you become.
What justifies women lifting weights?
When women start lifting weights, they won't get bulky. They will, however, reduce body fat and get the "toned" look that so many people desire.
Women who lift weights will enjoy several health benefits of resistance training in addition to aesthetic ones.
Weightlifting can:
Increase your bone density to lessen the risk of osteoporosis, a worsening bone condition that affects older women more frequently.
- Aid in shedding pounds (if you want to lose weight)
- Improve the composition of your body (increase lean mass and reduce fat mass)
- Lower your chance of developing chronic disorders
- Improve your mental well-being
- Increase your mobility and flexibility
- Make you strong, in control, and certainly,
“I don’t know what else you need to know to pick up some dumbbells and begin strength training if these reasons aren’t enough”.
Don’t wait, lift weights!!!
Best Fitness Equipment for Building Strength
While there are many types of fitness equipment available, some are better suited for strength training than others. Here's why free weights, such as dumbbells and barbells, are considered the best fitness equipment for building muscle:
Compound Movements: Free weights allow you to perform compound exercises that work multiple muscle groups simultaneously, maximizing your workout efficiency.
Progressive Overload: With free weights, you can gradually increase the weight you lift (progressive overload), a crucial factor for muscle growth.
So, ditch the misconceptions, grab some strength training fitness equipment by the best fitnes equipment brand and start reaping the rewards of weightlifting today!