By Mrunal Nikam / 11 May 2021
Want to lose weight? Or want to gain strength and some muscle mass? The solution to this goes hand in hand. It all comes down to strength training which is also called “resistance training”. Resistance exercise is any form of active exercise in which dynamic or static muscle contraction is resisted by an outside force applied manually or mechanically. When you are working out and want to enhance your performance, you need to improve in all the three elements of muscle performance which are – strength, power, and endurance—can be enhanced by some form of resistance exercise. To what extent each of these elements is altered by exercise depends on how the principles of resistance training are applied and how factors such as the intensity, frequency, and duration of exercise are manipulated. The development of muscle strength is an important factor for individuals of all ages and all ability levels. Strength training or strengthening exercises are basically systematic procedures of a muscle or muscle group lifting, lowering, or controlling heavy loads (resistance) for a relatively low number of repetitions or over a short period of time. The most common adaptation to heavy resistance exercise is an increase in the maximum force-producing capacity of muscle, that is, an increase in muscle strength, primarily as the result of neural adaptations and an increase in muscle fiber size.
Endurance is a broad term that refers to the ability to perform low-intensity, repetitive, or sustained activities over a prolonged period of time. Cardiopulmonary endurance is associated with repetitive and motor activities such as walking, cycling, swimming, or exhausting yourself on a treadmill or cross-trainer which involve the use of the large muscles of the body. Muscle endurance (sometimes referred to as local endurance) is the ability of a muscle to contract repeatedly against a load (resistance), generate and sustain tension, and resist fatigue over an extended period of time. Endurance exercises are characterized by having a muscle contract and lift or lower a light load for many repetitions or sustain a muscle contraction for an extended period of time. The key elements of endurance training are low-intensity muscle contractions, a large number of repetitions, and a prolonged time period. Unlike strength training, muscles adapt to endurance training by increases in their oxidative and metabolic capacities, which allows better delivery and use of oxygen.
After adding strength training using free weight or even those exercise machines available in gyms one can expect a huge transformation in the comparatively lesser time period. Both the methods are equally effective as they provide extra resistance. This is because extra calories are burned in the process of healing the micro-tears caused to your muscles by heavy workouts due to excessive resistance. There are several advantages of strengthening your body. These are as follows:
If you are a beginner and don’t know how to use machines then you can go for free like dumbbells, kettlebells, etc. Once you take proper guidance from certified people then you can progress by using various machines for your target muscle groups. Whether you use free weights or exercise machines, you should keep in mind that the muscle must be challenged to perform at a level greater than that to which it is accustomed. If the demands remain constant after the muscle has adapted, the level of muscle performance can be maintained but not increased. Adaptive changes in the body such as increased strength or endurance, in response to a resistance exercise program, are seen only when fitness training is regularly performed. Consistency is required in an individual who participates in a maintenance program of resistance exercises.
Detraining, reflected by a reduction in muscle performance, begins within a week or two after the cessation of resistance exercises and continues until training effects are lost. For this reason, it is indicated that gains in strength and endurance are incorporated into daily activities as early as possible. It is also advisable for all to participate in a maintenance program of resistance exercises as an integral component of a lifelong fitness program. For this purpose, you can setup a multi-gym equipment at your place which will save your time as well as money in the long run. Various machines like rowers, leg curl, and extension can also help to target major muscle groups.
Rest is a critical element of a resistance training program and is necessary to allow time for the body to recover from the acute effects of exercise associated with muscle fatigue or to offset pains like exercise-induced delayed-onset muscle soreness. Only with an appropriate balance of progressive loading and adequate rest intervals along with hydration can muscle performance improves. Therefore rest between sets of exercise and between exercise sessions. For better results cut down on sweets, junk, and all the fatty food.
You may get physically exhausted after a workout but you become mentally Zen! All you need to do is get out of your comfort zone and work out to get to the better version of yourself because your body has enormous potential and energy, it is your mind that holds you back. You will eventually get there just don’t hesitate to be a beginner ever as that fitness enthusiast person around you always says ‘no pains no gains!