1. Offer valid for a limited period only.
  2. Offer valid till stock last.
  3. Offer can not be clubbed with other offers or discounts.
  4. Coupon codes cannot be applied to Diwali offers.
  5. Product demo is not included.
  6. Products on offer are not returnable.
  7. Orders under discount will not be cancelled or returned. Replacement will provided for product delivered in damaged condition and if it is unrepairable (ie: Manufacturing defect)
  8. No Cancellation, No Exchange , No refund.
  9. These Offers are non-transferable
  10. Offers valid against new purchase only.
  11. If Any Free Offer given – No refund | No Installation, No Warranty & Non-Returnable.
  12. On the Buy 1 and Get 1 offer, there will be no installation | exchange included and no refund will be initiated.
  13. We reserve the right to cancel any order without prior notice.
  14. We reserve the right to change, alter, add, remove any product, offer, T&C and any other information without prior notice.