The MaxTrek Series are designed simple and sturdy for the combined set of Domestic use as well as Semi-Commercial use. This series offers all kind of treadmills starting from basic models with basic features to high-end model with advanced features. This treadmill help to burn excess amount of calories and improves cardiovascular health more effectively than running out-door. This series are further classified into three different segment. TDM Treadmill with DC Motor and Manual Incline, TDA Treadmill with DC Motor and Auto- Incline and TAC Treadmill with Auto-Incline for Semi-Commercial Use.
This series provides ample of features for the one who is really into losing weight, getting in to shape and fit and fine. The MaxTrek Treadmills delivers 90% Pre-installed and are packed in to boxes. They also delivers Heart rate sensor, Detects Hand Pulse, lifetime frame warranty, large color touch screen display, mobile app via Bluetooth, USB option, Wi-Fi, Hi-Fi speakers, Best motors and incline, Wide running surface Belt .
The benefits of using Powermax Fitness Treadmills are they are easy to use; help you to track your work out progress, Helps in losing weight faster than running out door, Allows to choose preset work-out programs, Improves heart health, improves in muscles and calves toning, easy to fold and space saving design as they are able to fit under the bed or beside the cupboard and wheels for easy transportation.