By Rajib Dey / 23 Dec 2020

We all know that Christmas is a festival which includes a lot of fun and frolic, spending quality time with family and of course a lot of eating and drinking. Christmas is celebrated during the winter season in most parts of the world and it is during this part of the year when people tend to forget about their fitness and personal health. People eventually deviate from the “TO BE FIT” goal and then start again in the New Year. But this should not be the case. Everyone must try to remain as fit and healthy as possible during the Christmas season. Following are some tips and tricks which might help every fitness freak to run through a fit Christmas season:

It generally becomes very tough for a person to maintain a healthy routine of exercises during Christmas as he/she gets involved in lots of other activities such as parties, get to gathers, family functions, etc and as a result, it takes a toll on the person to carve out some time from the busy schedule and perform basic exercises. Hence everyone should start following a proper routine of exercise during this time of the year otherwise it will be a big setback for the health. Exercises like brisk walking, cycling, and running for 30 minutes will help in maintaining better health. If he/she has a treadmill at home, then it really helps. If not, reach out for the Powermax UrbanTrek TD-N1. If a person is a gym freak, then he/she should finish up the workout portion early in the day so that he/she remains free for the rest of the day’s work. Another benefit of working out early in the morning is that it will help burn fat at a faster rate.

This tip specifically targets those persons who are new to the gym. If you are a person who has recently joined the gym and then there is this arrival of Christmas, you should workout less on volume but more on intensity. Several studies have shown that high-intensity interval training helps in burning more calories in a short interval of time. If the person is more into lifting weights then he/she can do a minimum number of exercises such that the body gets used to it and all the muscle groups of the body are properly activated. Also doing exercise wisely will not keep the body sore for the rest of the day.

No one wants to be a cheapskate when it comes to eating during Christmas. A lot of unnecessary calorie intake takes place in the form of cakes, pastries, beer, etc. Instead of all these items, protein-rich food such as red meat (not much in quantity) can be consumed as it helps in muscle growth. Other than that, as Christmas occurs during the winter season and we feel hungrier during that period, a high protein and low carb diet can surely help us maintain good health. Coming to the drinks red wine should be preferred in parties and get to gathers. There are certain ways in which you can eat right during this season.

As we know Christmas is celebrated in Winter and this is a season in which going out for a jog early morning seems a very tough job. Even going to the gym is hard. So, in this scenario, it is advisable to exercise with a partner. The motivation of one another is the driving force to workout and maintain a good healthy routine during these times.

Researches have shown that music boosts the energy levels inside a person if he/she is finding it hard to exercise. Any kind of physical activity during Christmas can be aided by one’s favorite music which also helps to enlighten the mood of not only you but also the people around you.

During the wintertime, many people suffer from a seasonal affective disorder or SAD which is a type of depression that occurs because of the seasonal changes. Based on scientific research, to counter SAD, it is recommended to exercise and get exposure to sunlight as much as possible. Light therapy can also be used as an alternative. Kids must be allowed to play in the snow at least for a time of 15 minutes. These activities will keep oneself fit mentally and physically during Christmas as well.

During Christmas, a lot of untimed meals are consumed, which leads to the gaining of extra pounds, and regularity in the usual meals(breakfast, lunch, and dinner) is lost. Proper diet at the proper time will keep a person in good shape and discipline.

During Christmas people enjoy a lot of late-night parties and family gatherings which eventually results in a lack of sleep and the lack of consumption of water needed by the body every day. In this regard, everyone should have at least 3-4 liters of water every day and should take a nap of about 7 hours. This will help the body to retain muscle and also keep the body energized not only throughout the day but also throughout the entire season.

This tip is mainly for those who are into gyming for a long time. Christmas time might bring a pause to this routine. Hence it is recommended that all the strength-based exercises such as the deadlifts, bench press, squats, shoulder press, etc should be done during this period as all these exercises will make the body hyperactive and healthy. Equipments like barbells and dumbbells are very handy during these times.

All in all, it is completely on us how much we commit to follow our fitness routine even during the celebration of Christmas and the New Year. But the above points if followed properly will surely help us to maintain good fitness during Christmas.