The WalkPad series is 90% space-saving than the traditional treadmill and can be easily folded and stored with the help of a double folding design and smooth-rolling wheels. It is a cardio choice for any home facility looking for ultra-thin walking treadmill space with remote control, exclusive sports app, foot speed sensing patent, modern unique design with child lock protection. It is of this series which is 100% Pre-installed with-in the single box, which is convenient and quick.
They are usually double foldable machines, and the walking platform uses a soft and comfortable EVA cushioning layer to protect the joints. It comes with a smooth layer of low friction coefficient, water-resistant, and anti-slip running belt.
It can be used to monitor the health status of the body using a heart rate sensor and the body fat detective system while some are featured with a weight scale to measure body weight also. The benefits of using Powermax Fitness Treadmills are they are easy to use; help you to track your work out progress, helps in losing weight faster than running outdoor, Allows to choose preset work-out programs, Improves heart health, improves muscles and calves toning, easy to fold and space-saving design as they are able to fit under the bed or beside the cupboard and wheels for easy transportation.