By Yuktha Anil / 29 Apr 2020
What if I told you that you could lose those extra few pounds weighing you down without putting yourself through any rigorous exercise regimes or restrictive diets? Well, it's possible and all you need to do is follow these six sneaky no-sweat hacks and you can finally ditch those taxing squats, tone up, and stay healthy at the same time.
Join The Exclusive Breakfast Club
Keep your metabolism up by giving due importance to the first meal of the day and watch that fat burn away. Eating breakfast kickstarts the thermogenesis process and equips you with enough energy to get through the day and helps prevent overeating during later stages of the day. Make sure you eat a breakfast rich in protein as this is the only natural way to help curb a growling appetite.
Burn That Stubborn Belly Fat
Add a tablespoon or two of apple cider vinegar into a tall glass of water and gulp it down every morning. You can also incorporate this magic tonic into your meals. Not only will this practice help you slim down it also has the added benefit of lowering cholesterol, controlling blood sugar, increasing satiety, and significantly enhancing heart health. You must be advised however that drinking apple cider vinegar regularly may cause tooth decay due to its acidic nature to avoid this use a cute metal straw to save your enamel and the environment.
Load Up On That Vitamin-D
Basking in the sun can be surprisingly beneficial in your fight against that stubborn flab. Research has shown that the blue light from the sun has the ability to shrink white fat cells. But don't just sunbathe, stay active. Studies have also shown that vitamin D aids weight loss as it increases serotonin and testosterone levels in the body which can increase weight loss and reduce calorie intake. So do yourself a favor and go out in the sun.
Keep your portion size small and chew slowly but surely
Okay, I'm just going to say it. Contrary to popular belief diets do not work and never will. A diet isn't the stepping stone to weight loss success, it is a highway leading straight to an eating disorder. Dieting hinders weight loss efforts by inhibiting your metabolism. Moreover, it takes the pleasure out of a meal, creates guilt around food consumption, and most times it backfires and leads to binge eating and increased weight gain once the dieting ends. Instead, eat small meals, eat everything but in moderation, and chew slowly but surely to aid digestion and register the feeling of fullness to avoid overindulgence.
Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate.
Sometimes the brain messes up. Sometimes it interprets thirst as hunger and forces your hand into the cookie jar yet again. I can't stress this enough. The key to weight loss is hydration. Water is a fix-all solution as it is a natural appetite suppressant and without it, fat is reluctant to metabolize and calories are slow to burn. Make sure you drink at least 2.5 liters of water a day. To make your hydration efforts more refreshing you can also add a pinch of salt and a squeeze of lemon in it.
And lastly, Hit that snooze button and claim that beauty sleep
Sleeping Beauty swears by this next hack and with good reason. Did you know that sleep deprivation prompts your body to produce an excess of that nasty hunger hormone, ghrelin which signals hunger and an inadequate amount of leptin which suppresses hunger pangs and signals feelings of fullness! Stress and lethargy the two main determinants of an unhealthy body are also magnified when you're sleep-deprived. So the bottom line is all your efforts are futile without the defense of a good night's rest as getting quality and restful sleep is everything in the fight against excess weight.