You can trust that your order will be quickly processed and safely delivered.
We can ship products anywhere in India or internationally using our standard shipping methods or the shipping method of your choice. When you place an order we will estimate delivery dates based on location if it's in metro cities or very remote location. 

Shipping Time
All online orders are shipped within 48 hours Monday - Friday 8 am - 5 pm.
For all other orders, Items in stock will typically ship out within 2-3 business days.

We use the following carriers to deliver our orders: 

  1. FedEx
  3. DHL
  4. GATI

Order Tracking
If a tracking # is provided by the shipping carrier, we will update your order with the tracking information. Please note that some orders using local transport may not have tracking numbers. 

Shipping Charges

  1. The rate charged for the shipping of your order is based on the weight of your products, and your location. Before the final checkout page, you will be shown what the cost of shipping will be, and you will have a chance to not place your order if you decide not to. 
  2. International Orders
    Some products cannot be shipped to international destinations so please submit a message to us from the Contact us page if you would like to discuss international ordering options.
  3. OCTROI charges or Entry Tax if applicable will be extra and will need to be paid additionally. You will be notified of such additional charges prior to processing the order for shipment.